When finding the right coach for you, it is important to find someone that you feel a connection with, as well as someone who is competent and professional. In order to help you make that connection, here is a bit about me.
My Story so far...
Passionate and driven. Mother of two. Recovering perfectionist, aspiring good-enoughist
I have always had a passion for social justice and equality of opportunity, which has always been a focus of my career and voluntary work. I believe that everyone has the potential to achieve anything they set their mind to, regardless of who they are, or where they have come from.
After graduating from Cardiff University with a Masters in Social Science Research Methods, I worked as a social researcher, and then moved into the public sector where I worked for nearly a decade as a senior manager overseeing projects and teams. My career has been focused on driving equality of opportunity for students underrepresented in higher education.
I came across coaching during an organisational restructure at work, where we were provided with some executive coaching. The process helped me re-evaluate what I wanted from my career, and what I enjoyed most, and that was supporting people to be the best they can be. Following this I trained as a personal performance coach, and have continued to develop my training to include corporate and executive coaching and Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP).
Fair access and participation to higher education is still a great passion of mine, and an area that I remain very active in, but I am excited to be able to work as a coach, and combine these two passions.
Before you commit to anything, I offer a complimentary, no obligation, chemistry session. Use the button below to book your chemistry session today!